Wednesday, January 17, 2024

BACK ROADYANS would sack the incumbents ---in the news service

In the interests of the earth and our children's opportunity to study it and manage it .

This weeks example. 
The ABC 's recent focus on floods in the Goulburn is the latest in the decades of years when the lefts agenda , fear and ignorance dominates the news and the interpretation of events outside the building .Fires floods  are catastrophic - they have to be to make the preachers sermon real .   

The river is actually flooding because for the first time in eons , the dams are full and the stream flows  are more natural . Nothing to do with CC . And the hypocrisy is that its these sorts of big floods that do what the 20 billion spent of the Murray Darling Plan can never do -- regenerate the wetlands . And  dear Auntie plays wet nurse to those who need to move so they don't keep getting wet feet . Its not a joke its madness .Children entertaining the children - insisting that no mature truths and big picture be put - asking that no funeral dirges be played. 

The ABC think it's their job to WARN people of the dangers of climate change and unlike true
 MUSTER DOGS --they have no maturity about how to herd the sheep . 
And worse,  they have no idea where they are taking the sheep . 
MUSTER DOGS  a great program because we get to meet real people without agendas  and not one word of CC is mentioned amongst these productive earth working "hayseeds"( who mostly watch SKY ) .

The only way our children can avoid their desperate cynicism and fanaticisms in their news services is if they went back to reporting practical scientists who do know the ground truth ; Those who can tell the aweful truth about who is denying the truth ,which party is  withholding it when ,  or as mostly happens - those who fly with the wind, fear and arrogant ignorance  and hypocritical accusations against hay seeds and the thieves , murderers and rapists who inhabit big institutions . True science trumps the ace of prejudice from the reactionaries. 

RETIRE all the old ones at least .    Noone is learning anything new with them telling their same old stories ,  Adams the farmer who isn't  one. Robin Williams the science show leader who isn't a scientist and people like Doogue who runs a program on belief when she has never believed anything .
This is a club full of arrogant, inexperienced  cynical reactionaries who don't KNOW very much and could not inspire our children to do anything but be like them .Why should any broadcaster have more than ten years tenure?      

The challenged we face must be dealt with in humility if our children are not to be burdened with the arrogance of some of our institutions. 

The ABC club has been convinced for decades it knows something, but is not really sure what it is . 
It sells something like Climate change so easily because the answers are always changing  
The ABC have,  like so many powerful institutions  got into a fanatical mood because its right to exercise power in choosing what we see has been being lost in a big way for decades.
Everyone has an agenda. The authorship inside the ABC must not be hindered by the producers  choices.   

1 comment:

Little John said...

We just switch ABC news off now . They tell us what they think we ought to know .