Sunday, December 04, 2005

Snobbishness in the ABC

Oh no , it couldn't happen Or is that just another reason so many of us SWITCH OFF our beloved ABC. Ref Period pieces 5 dec

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Debbie Enka should watch out. Anyone who does not agree that The ABC is the true church, does not just leave , they were "dumped". Jon Feine commenting on George Negus's Departure.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Afraid of Evil ? So we should be !

Some of the congregation( Tania 774pm ) are more than a little worried about the dark side coming out in childrens films and books like W Wonka .Lucky our kids don't read the Bible anymore eh ? -its full of murder and violence even by the so called "role" models.
No I think its time we stopped worrying ourselves sick about the evil you encounter when you get outside the building. Children respond to the idea of choc coated evil very close to home, even if ageing reactionaries just don't want to admit to it. Just watch them share the duplo!

Dark talk is welcome

Everything is fine it seems , provided we are in agreement and well defined against the opposition . The other school talks of light . We must talk of Darkness..
While this paradigm boundary creates a sense of unity , it forces the congregation to hide real issues and differences , especially as we have to deal with real families and decisions as we grow up . The problem is that this public face of dark talk only creates a sense of avoidance , confusion and depression in our communities .

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Absolutely -a bit of heresy detected

For those unconvinced that even in church there is heresy creeping in , notice how often" (774 in the afternoon for eg) they and their guests now use the words "absolutely' and the adjectives "right" and "wrong" . Do the post modernists really believe in moral relativism or have some of us switched channels and not admitted to it?

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Who goes to Church ?

Well anyone who works there i guess for a start. But you say ther is no PC in the ABC - i think the audience recognise that most attendees support the post modern view that values are subjective and therefore defining the nature of good and evil ,is if not out, a place you don't go. But by not stating a position, you state a position . Hence the PC element and the intellectual and doubt difficulty with the youngens world view thats not quite working as well as its supposed to !

You don't have to believe everything that's said there of course , but if you work there, you learn one thing - you don't easily raise questions which challenge clear doctrine like that above .
unless you ask those "questions" in a certain exacting way where they can be given a predictable and set answer.
Don't dare ask a really wild question like "why are so many pagans and atheists sending there kids to religious schools - or what is about islam that is so attractive?" Instead we get " what do you think about people coming into schools to preach ? All hands are raised in gloriuos chorus of agreement Not a doubt surfaces in abcchurch because of the way the questions are put ! Doubts then are dismissed by a few words rather than real dialogue something that's rare at the ABC at least on 774 and TV -------and could make it so much greater.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

All other types of church people are extremists

Don't talk about some things ! Could create division and reduce simplicity . Compass and religious affairs finally start talking about what is happening in middle ground churches- the biggest community event EACH WEEK for centuries and when have you ever seen it on TV till FAMILY FIRST and vicar of dibley arrived ! .

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Thou shalt be cynical

In order to enjoy Mary and Charles's visit one should sit on one's hands in church lest a heretical thought about the dangers of being nice to the diefied and the conservative in our midst , forces its ways into prayertime.