Sunday, July 01, 2018

When the women are not happy

What is it with the girlfriends groups at the ABC that they have to go on and on about  men.
The offended ones  are not going to win any points because more and more thinking people can see past the patronising stereotype that even the PM puts on us   '' we can do better ". The royal we is a careless pee.

If the women are going to take on the giant job of speaking  for all women make sure you do speak for all women .

 Like many men,  women are using genetics to justify their sexism and they simply shouldn't. Its( whatever it is this week)  no more in their DNA  (XX or XY) even though Y deprived like to say so - so many use the damning determinism of their age  to justify their griping ; such sadness  and associated madness is predetermined.
 Whatever the content,  few men are listening because of all the grizzling and griping underneath .  We men ( most of us) can see it; they are being sexist about the question of abuse, even if theXX's can't.
Its also another example of the overplaying of some noisy group that is oh so annoying at the ABC - we are switching off more and more
That said , women are abused more and more - but as their grandmothers might tell them - ask yourself what you did before you go hunting the devil. Whats really itching you ?

"a fair principle might be for all  - if you don't want the badge, FIRST  make sure you don't wear it . The conditions apply to philanderers of both sexes ".

And if not confession , then there maybe denial -----news commentary on ABC should be reasonable and the following is reasonable 

"Even if no man ever spoke slut shaming - it would still be there unspoken . If a woman doesn't give up sleeping around , she wears the badge of slut in most men minds. There is only one thing she can do about that ( should she choose to do otherwise) and it isn't in the new and worthless cultural change dreambook., esp its chapters on how to change others ."

"a fair principle might be for all  - if you don't want the badge, FIRST  make sure you don't wear it . The conditions apply to philanderers of both sexes ".

My mother would be offended at Annabelles portrait of her hard doneby sex in "guess whose coming to dinner _ year by year .
As a very successful career woman she was happy to give up her stimulating career to become a full time mum . With her girlfriends,  she enjoyed all sorts of  creative and diverse manufacturing ( not the drudgery of most work places)  She,  like so many of her growing group of new best friends  started and ran community groups and activities - not ONE mentioned in the decade of dinners  program . 

Thought more than once that the family on show were also eating or regurgitating words that weren't really their own. - reinforcing some fixed hard done by womans stereotype. wouldn't it be great to have met grandma !!!! I had visions of Margeret Mead being taken in by teenagers telling her what she wanted to hear . Innnocent - the children or the adults . Peterson on Cain and Abel?

So many liberated women of a n earlier age  celebrated the choice to be household and group  leaders and the release from drudgery  that technology like clothes washers provided.   The program is a bit of fun , but if the film producers at ABC were truly competitive and running in the dirt  they wouldn't be wasting our money on soap cleaned up for PC - even Mystery Road and so many Y deprived lawyers  and well dressed detectives don't cut deep enough for those of who live on the edge. Where in Mystery road is the edgy rejection of "poor me" driven problems ?????

My mother knew there was no relief  for her poor husband whose drudgery was in not being paid to provide food for his country ( animals and fruit)  I wish the ABC would realize it has a predjudiced view of history before our children do.

If the women are going to take on the giant job of speaking  for all women,  make sure you do speak for all women .
We can all complain - just stop and listen . Noone is listening.