Monday, April 22, 2019

DIMWITS and their doctrines

When the children are in charge,  you get this

Noisy arrogant irrational and more than a little hypocritical.

The high priests of the new churches of DIMWITS ( Doing It My Way Is Truth Societies ) church cannot challenge errors in thinking and excuses made for bad behavior . 

The high priests of such places are leaders in name only - they aren't parenting and mentoring well  They can't say NO and they even comply with the shallow Rhetoric of first thought Suffices f( RIFTS  in creating laws that crucify their ability to influence the children; make them think more deeply.  They make laws in the paradoxical name of discrimination ( can be a good or a bad thing - its use therefore suits those who want confusion    

DIMWITS,  by applying their very own doctrine of RIFTS don't allow  ANYONE in theirs or any other  household in the country ( big task) to make the error prone feel guilty .

For God's sake -it may make some pathetic,  lazy , arrogant and blind recalcitrant persons in your midst  change their ways and their pathetic self justifying logic.