Thursday, August 12, 2021

We need the ABC to retain some credibility - It must deal with its cynics

Sack its old cynics who have occupied production seats for far longer than is ever justified .
Get those old faces and their friends OFF and put on people who know stuff . Not just academia and the  shell shocked. 

Noone in any other broadcasting service gets to control so much subject matter without the qualifications and experience to do so and for so long .
How come producers like Doogue and the Cassidies still have so much influence over so many years .
Fine ,they have a few followers , BUT they have had their chance to tell us what little they know, in the context of the little they have learnt about who knows what . academia ? 
We  are not fooled by new presenters when they are half puppets . 
No broad casting service is more hypocritical talking about their lead on the  truth and big ideas Most Australians know the ABCTV  used to be trusted by thinking people - now thinking people switch it off .   

ABCscience , Education and Big small ideas has been underwhelmingly predictable with no recognition of the reasons why Australia has been in a dumbing down mood for decades. 
David Stretton tries to tell you that ABC drama producers are crap and that Ballantyne has no backbone to cut to the chase, let alone that dependant club leader  - the very much asleep Mr Adams . 


Here is a couple of scoops for you to follow up , if you dare
The dumbing down of our universities.

Sadly, i have worked in the public service  where the added risk is that polys will cultivate their very own ignorance in the form of their appointments; 
I have been at high level meetings where uni chiefs take the money ( cynically ) and run . Independence has been lost .

The lack of independence and big picture  is particularly true in my area of risk management where wannabes get points  for manufacturing worry and justifying their meddling money wastage with an abundance of no caution with our money .All parties keep mum on environment because they know zilch about how it works . 

Too many Unis are NOW competing for the PC with too many smart A polys and media looking for ' results". 

This state is pathetic for a country who talk about being "smart". Call parliament to order on this matter - 

Don't expect the media to know. They often worship academia and worse;  the many blind academics in "science areas" ( everyone thinks they are doing science when they are not) whose heads have been looking down a microscope or just processing a huge pile of mere facts all their lives.
Big picture science -- starts here  

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