Tuesday, December 11, 2012

ABC comedy? --they just don't get it do they ?

ABCTV church's biggest need is to find some real comedy.

I have quoted Ustinov on this page before so I won't bore you with the same same old stuff.

The ABC are certainly trying - Wednesday nights and the comedy festival - a budget to kill for .
They clearly need to take a different approach.  And no quick fix - a paradigm shift no less.
What's seems to preventing them  finding  the light is they don't believe in the light . As traditional reactionaries it has to be dark . T heir predictable doctrines of " how to do things " is under threat and they don't wanna give it up.  they like to pull things down . Cut off the tall poppies ;forget any reason and rely on the body . They could be serious for a change but that would involve pulling the head out and looking around.
It could be that their faith in mere progress is failing and  they can't be serious because  they simply  haven't been into that - its been  a no go area for decades . The war is on everything - and especially the past .
Thankfully some young people are sick of the dark side of everything and some oldies  in the audience recognise the fanaticism in their current approach .
The unhumourable church leaders  can't see why the glass isn't half full any more and why the hyped up optimism of giving "everyone a break" ( from persnal challenge unless they aren't close to you )  isn't working outside the church.
The people need some light relief - traditional trained  view is that you find it by being honest and truthful - esp with your self . Make a start

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