Friday, February 02, 2007

Huddled around the holy fire

Desperate for news of the latest person to agree with their latest piece of non scientific fanaticsm ABCTV are reduced to quoting a UN resolution as top news on friday night ( 2nd February )Report itself complete with added pictures of falling ice and yet to be seen rising seas levels have been listed in Kohlers column under falling stocks ( those with lowering credibility) .

1 comment:

Little John said...

After Tony Jones trite jib at Durkin and scientists !!" errors in your graphs" Thought he best remind Alan Kohler
- avoid omissions( they are very serious matters creating suspiscion !)
- do not use well known experts, do your own graphs
- don't only show what you want to show ( put all info on that the audience would like on it)
- maybe try to show everything so the audience is confused and thinks you are the only one who knows what you are talking about.