Tuesday, October 31, 2006


The Paradox is profound. Denton and Feine agreeing about the dangers of end of the world preachers,(God is on my side) when their church has just spent the whole day trying to get us to be convinced we are approaching doomsday over our failure to sign up to Kyoto. You mean a resolution agreed to at a meeting of wannatalks? You mean a resolution widely recognised as limited , drawn up in haste -producing waste?

Only since doctrinal matters became so important has it not mattered who teaches them . Even "normally unbelievable and untrustworthy blokes" like Blair , Gore and normally unherad of US polys get sung too for talking about our favourite subjects : science and practice- subjects for which they are .......

You are right about one thing boys - emotional people are dangerous. Unfortunately though , that should never stop us silencing them and ourselves because we all agree such people are neccesary to motivate us to change . Skeptics are necessary- science labs are full of them.
Since when has complacency and lack of emotion been on any serious church's agenda ?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Doctrine of Mere Facts

Like the doctrine of mere laws, explored by many faiths from the Pharisees up ( depending on your worldview of course) the doctrine of mere facts just doesn't hold water. The more you fill the vessel up with mere bits , the more it leaks.
Contraindicated by "the empty tank syndrome" ,this old doctrine is known in some theological circles as one that fails the Solidworks test ; no proper framework to hold the bits together. Theology is the glue and while there is no respect for it -the essential need for glue (eg:when mere facts are the focus) ; something has to give -this is one big picture thing that students of Hegel shood noo! Copyright