Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Moral judgements make the ABC a laughing stock

Symbolized by the cynical change of Compass to The Moral Compass,  ABCTV  has finally come full circle and "accepted "( still some denialists in there?) that every institution and presenter "who goes along to church "has a faith .

More importantly. ABC admitted that unlike the bad ( good ??who knows these days ) old days when they promoted "morality is bunk" ( eg faith that "science will tell you how to live not some old framework from past )
They see Progress ,  in the WGP religion as adaption - looks more like a revamped view from their christian heritage .A rear end collision or revolution?
After all Feine ( Tuesday)and Uhlmann ( saying how Greens will live forever and all things good about how they " do things"  are full of their very OWN  adjectives of moral judgments--" good"+ bad "   Not acceptable  for public paid reporters ,( Feine even said someone must be a "liar" if they didn't agree with him( listen to the transcripts Tuesday 5th May 2015)  .


A pure belief in progress without believing in a light and a direction, can clearly mean you quickly go around in circles and are seen to be doing so (Our  evidence based approach)-   we are your honest friends here . Watch your ABC if you can bear it , I'd rather watch fish in a bigger pond 

The hero of Fabianism knew this better than most of those who feign him . He played with the idea of change but only because he had in his piggy bank  the moral framework of a " good girl " and a  good moral teacher, ( I have the divine spark within me) So why was the idea of Pygmalion so engaging but the product of all that excitement about the new age , change and equality  so unproductive  ( shaw's support for the revolution ) His mother and he appear in the play but like most Westerners he ignored the safe framework from which creative tensions arose .  The recognition of that fact led his friend Gilbert to lower his status to that of a mere plagiarizer and heretic . Shaw for all his wisdom led people astray in the same way as many of his less reactionary and unthinking comrades did . Do you want to remembered for the same - half stating the case or worse ridiculing your parents most insistent words ?

Be sure you know what mix of tried and tested you apply to your own life before you do what secularism not tries to do to us - squeeze us into its own very tight mould .and denial of its ineffectiveness in motivating.

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