Tuesday, May 28, 2024

No media group ever get it right.

 But the worst are those who never go to confession on their prejudices and the way their cynicism  and powerlessness ( yes its true ) is clouding their awareness of their own incompetence.
As a competent earth scientist i have had to switch off the preaching from the pulpit on the environment.
I mean you would think these inexperienced pew sitters would use their reporting budget to reach out to all voices on controversial subjects. You would think after listening to the Greens for decades they would want adults with some understanding to be standing in the pulpit .
Instead they let the childrenthe children read the simple lessons that make them seem like fire lighters and bringers of the light , when all they do is bring a new tune of contempt for those outside the building .

With so many old Labor and media people like Chris Uhlmann  joining the chorus of those clapping the OUTSIDE  street party of blistering speeches by  Jacinta, Nova Peris and many others Hollie Hughes , how many before Parliaments STOP THE ROT in the ABC news commentariat. 
Bad luck Richard Marles - you will never be PM because your collegues are not only incompetent but because they are like ALBO - silent and silenced  They sit quietly in the pews no longer exercise the voices we gave them.
As the Senate estimates  demonstrated today. Silenced but out their cancelling those who actually speak the truth or ask the hard questions .
Nothing is more abhorrent than leaders like

who can't say NO - simply+ directly. That weak man can talk glibly on "Never again ", but like the ABC's

they're mute + mere puppets of minorities + extremists

Monday, April 01, 2024

ABC Making up their own news

 Instead of making up stories to attack things ABC staffers don't like,( like their fake news story on 4WD's ; damage to dunes this last week of March 2024 ), we should insist that our broadcaster /investigator find out why a vast bunch of government departments have stuffed up the dunes, the beaches, the swale and the near shore wave zone at Apollo Bay.

just for example carparks , access along the top ( creates erosion) tree tunnels ( create erosion ) but no grass on the dune ,

Excessive drainage through the dune and swale no longer providing stormwater storage , parking and access for the public .

And increasing fill and development of the swale in recent years

The subtle force of the wind on 60 metres of bare but flat sand has been largely ignored by recent managers.     
The large amount of sand dumped in recent days on the beach at Marengo will quickly move DOWN into the tidal zone creating bars and rips .
What makes the sand move UP to build the dune? The sand only moves UP and settles when there when there is a CLEAR long surface and grass vegetation to trap it on the higher end of this necessary but subtle set of flattish curves.The old large trees in North Apollo bay allow wind tunnels under them,  making the erosion worse when there is no low vegetation under them. 

The Minister for local government should be asked what COT have done with the 13% POS tax they impose on developers and where they have acquired the Public open Space on the coast that they are required to do under the provisions of the Subdivision Act.

Why fake news ? No particular sites of offence by 4WD were named and the particular ecologists drawn in the lottery of lucky winners this time around wandered around the subject like the journos involved . The Science and integrity unit of the ABC ( should they exist ) should provide the discipline required to reduce the subtle agenda and catastrophic creating that has eroded sound practical peoples trust in the inexperienced ABC.

Friday, March 29, 2024

ABC can do great things -

 When it reports what is happening and not interprets the facts for us.
After decades of deep disappointment with the above problem, and the failure of the club to recognize its dogged determinism (eg own lack of real life experience, its immaturity, rejection of conservatism,  its commitment to some idealistic goal of progress and its quite clear growth of cynicism within the ranks.

Just some examples 
1,. Reporting some of the reasons why border closures are not always Israel problem  ie protests.
Still no questions from you on why the Palestinians allow so many women and children in the war zone -- do you think we are dumb?  Do you think your quiet cancelling of sources will meet with passive acceptance?
We are not stupid and simply don't watch or listen to ABCTV news or 774 or whatever.   There are some good reporters on RN but I won't mention them here . 

YET POSITIVELY   I  have noticed what I consider longer and more extended reports on protests and demonstrations say even on this Easter weekend.
For too long we haven't been able to trust ABC news because the producers have not encouraged unsavory pieces of news.
I am a competent environmental planner and simply cannot stomach the simplicities on all your channels on risk management in environment -

SIMPLY  none of you know enough to know who to talk to and the dumbing down we as competent professionals, always knew was real in academia, grows like muck . http://misplacedconcreteness.blogspot.com   Robin Williams must go.   


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

BACK ROADYANS would sack the incumbents ---in the news service

In the interests of the earth and our children's opportunity to study it and manage it .

This weeks example. 
The ABC 's recent focus on floods in the Goulburn is the latest in the decades of years when the lefts agenda , fear and ignorance dominates the news and the interpretation of events outside the building .Fires floods  are catastrophic - they have to be to make the preachers sermon real .   

The river is actually flooding because for the first time in eons , the dams are full and the stream flows  are more natural . Nothing to do with CC . And the hypocrisy is that its these sorts of big floods that do what the 20 billion spent of the Murray Darling Plan can never do -- regenerate the wetlands . And  dear Auntie plays wet nurse to those who need to move so they don't keep getting wet feet . Its not a joke its madness .Children entertaining the children - insisting that no mature truths and big picture be put - asking that no funeral dirges be played. 

The ABC think it's their job to WARN people of the dangers of climate change and unlike true
 MUSTER DOGS --they have no maturity about how to herd the sheep . 
And worse,  they have no idea where they are taking the sheep . 
MUSTER DOGS  a great program because we get to meet real people without agendas  and not one word of CC is mentioned amongst these productive earth working "hayseeds"( who mostly watch SKY ) .

The only way our children can avoid their desperate cynicism and fanaticisms in their news services is if they went back to reporting practical scientists who do know the ground truth ; Those who can tell the aweful truth about who is denying the truth ,which party is  withholding it when ,  or as mostly happens - those who fly with the wind, fear and arrogant ignorance  and hypocritical accusations against hay seeds and the thieves , murderers and rapists who inhabit big institutions . True science trumps the ace of prejudice from the reactionaries. 

RETIRE all the old ones at least .    Noone is learning anything new with them telling their same old stories ,  Adams the farmer who isn't  one. Robin Williams the science show leader who isn't a scientist and people like Doogue who runs a program on belief when she has never believed anything .
This is a club full of arrogant, inexperienced  cynical reactionaries who don't KNOW very much and could not inspire our children to do anything but be like them .Why should any broadcaster have more than ten years tenure?      

The challenged we face must be dealt with in humility if our children are not to be burdened with the arrogance of some of our institutions. 

The ABC club has been convinced for decades it knows something, but is not really sure what it is . 
It sells something like Climate change so easily because the answers are always changing  
The ABC have,  like so many powerful institutions  got into a fanatical mood because its right to exercise power in choosing what we see has been being lost in a big way for decades.
Everyone has an agenda. The authorship inside the ABC must not be hindered by the producers  choices.   

Tuesday, January 02, 2024

2024 New year machinations

 The  ABC CLUB are not in a good mood this Christmas. Their preachy mood doesn't go down well with anyone. Complaints are coming from their regular readers. Trying to smile when really you think the congregation still do not listen to you.   ABC not only preach bad news , they are stuck in it . 
What ever happened to generous enjoying giving and forgiving  with  good tidings of great joy to all people.  According to the high priests, we have been bad . 
It is of course, not just the ABC's problem, but the mood of ageing progressives across the world.

The old reactionaries sails are not held up by hot and warm air -  rather they are running cold critical and out of air . They are only ever full of substance when they are sailing with the wind, or a taxpayer funded wind geed  up by the wishy washy marginals.  When the wind stops,  the lack of substance of their empty action agendas become obvious . Just bad, bad news of guilt with no redemption and no way out . We get the feeling they have the greater problem  because we do bear some guilt, they presume to offer redemption when they don't know it or own it . 

Lower CO2 is the new pie in the sky , And for all the pushing , there is going to be push back because  sound scientists  always said,  the case for Anthro GW is still out .  
The management do not realize that a faith in progress, per say,  never lasts too long and that reporting someone who is drunk with some natural high that has some word sense, is better than having safe guests who are always so sober and self-righteous about the State of the World .
Strangely they are all in church again and want us to join them . 

You would think that not one of them would use up fossil fuels going anywhere for Christmas. 
ABC are in a guilt mood and preaching guilt catastrophe and condemnation in complete 
contrast to the Angels. 
Not that a sober view of how we greedily use up Resouces is not needed- but not as a backdrop to all news . 

Some of our young are thankfully not swallowing the wallowing bit . We just hope they get their first bit of hope by realizing the ABC and wider media are overstating  danger and making no room for feedback adjustment , overstatement and plain ignorance by their chosen naysayers and "experts ". 
The ABC have no time for people with experience - only those who sit there studying the porno and speculate on why everyone else should not worry like they teach we should do . .
The people are now hungry for something that works; something that  we can genuinely share with generations of our forebears and the growing numbers of former ABC listeners who no longer listen . 

I am now a swifty. We are against those who insist on their power games and their loud powerful voices ; those who hide behind the swift fix and the swift cancellation of the other side - something THE ABC have specialized in now over the last few years.


Monday, December 18, 2023

Name calling - the fanaticism of many in public broadcasting is obvious.

 Apparently SKY NEWS is from  the devil and you must not watch it . Or you will go straight to Hell . 

One of the reasons our public broadcaster ABC is failing to remain credible is clearly their failure to understand how we learn. Unlike most of us who test things and find out, they speculate and play with why questions, teaching their audience (sadly too our children) to enjoy cynicism, not the growing sense of confidence and certainty that we want each other to develop by having a truly broad education.   

Without metanoia and letting the street experience talk to them (which Sky at its best does ) they confirm their immature status as mere reactionaries.  misplacedconconcreteness.blogspot.com

 Why, as well educated an audience as the ABC has, do they name call? 
Why are the pews crying out - do not listen or you will be misled.  

Why does SKY report what it does and why does ABC report what it does ? I don't know and I don't care to spend each night wondering,  except SKY seeks wide and ABC is narrow casting . I still watch a bit of both.  

Increasingly the ABC 's choice of what goes to air is blatantly THEIR choice and it is not worth watching unless you have time to unpick the news from the commentary and value adding adjectives and pictures they use  - oh so well and so subtly .  The Devil is subtle and sly . best we all get to know him/her  . I want Aussie children to be robust and realistic in their thinking,  not just simple and cynical. 

Study fanaticism1.blogspot.com . It's a common disease at certain times in the life of the powerful. We all need more humility in accepting that we don't know much - that way ABC audiences would have learnt heaps more in the last few decades.

As an effective resilience planning scientist I know the dumbing down is a disaster to which our ABC has played its part.
Time for humility and respect for all authors !! You mainly get fanatical when you are losing it and the internet is taking over - not a bad thing ?esp when the ABC  waste so much time/money  writing it own dramas.  
Get more community TV and radio on the ABC channels. 

Sunday, August 28, 2022

ABC Melbourne Radios in trouble

 Article in the Age show that audiences for 774 in melbourne have dropped by half in the last year . 

There are no doubt many causes but one stands out to me as a chicken that has come home to roost .

The presumption  they have that this  Club produces the most thorough news , and this is, and always was wrong .The truth is hard to find and like our governments they can spend lots of our money making it look like they are out there finding it and funding it  
PRIDE  has come before the FALL. and only truth will se the people free.   

It doesn't matter,  as Waugh said in Scoop  ( and other writers of true stories know ) how many reporters and resources you dedicate to finding the truth,  the full story can be where  he reporters don't go .
A lot will change when the 3 ABC channels source material from sites where the ABC angels were never allowed to tread . 
Some ABC Melbourne reporters ( eg Feine and Epstein) have been afraid to go west for decades and  those of us who are truly local know when the presumption of awareness ( about being truly Local ) 

You see you can have as many regional ABC offices as you like too,  but if club zero and mother priests  is full of pride the disease will control it .
The full dimension  of how our pride about what we know undermines what we really do know is a matter too big to be dealt with here . Maybe Scott and Waheed will give it a better go , one day ? 

We can all get very theoretical about this and most moderns don't now want to leave the deterministic lockup they set up as home  so the real spiritual nature of the problem is not going to be discussed here.

 When you lose power , as the ABC is over its audience , you get fanatical and are in no mood to accept the change that must eventually come. For the metanoia that threatens deeply the logic and method of work. .
There is little point when the mood is fanatical in playing the old games of pedantry and expecting the leadership to confess to its obvious sin;  rationalizing the threats and self righteousness . 

After all , the Devil has mastered this in all churches of all kinds; this fantasy 

 We appear to come here to confess and recognize our abject rebellion and self righteousness  and the glory of our Creator's work around us,  but really most of us walk out the door without actually doing any of that .We may even think of ourselves as change agents  but have never changed ourselves.  

So let me give you just one very practical example of overreach by ABC melbourne .

ABC 774 try to do too much. Like emergency broadcasting . They started this after we ( #OCRFM in 1991) started doing it. We wereones with the fires  but they, like all commercials were copying us . ; but because they couldn't do it as well  their  lie ( "its  efficient" ) and their power games were not exposed . It suits the powerful ad the city to assume they know things . .

ABC 774 started calling themselves LOCAL when we started EB , when we had all the situation people( 20 or so )and we still are truly local and competing against a local commercial station in a listening area of 40000 people - the ABC are not THERE on ground - infact they are now afraid ( Mr Feine and Mr Epstein ) to go farther west than Torquay.

This is part of the ongoing insult and onslaught of the city against the country Representing South West Victoria  Facebook page 

Sorry if you don't accept it, but since May 2022 , the city have decided to allow Bandt to run the country :( country peopl lost their vote years ago) 
 So why aren't thinking people  troubled enough about the total unfairness and threat to sound planning of our children's competence , faith in democracy and scientific planning ability.?   All too hard until you find the essentail clue for our children asi have restated in RSW , accept regional representation that is fair , not Gough Whitlams simple maths , which is not fair .  

Our community radio station, in the highest bushfire zone of all in Vic , used to switch off all other programs and run dedicated loops of up to date local fire news broadcasts through the entire time of the NE SW crisis bush fire period. We locals actually know how to predict and deal with real threats ( like flood fire,drought landslides )not just speculate wildly about them.

We never received a cent to do that work , and still don't . The Lorne fire fronts in 1983 lasted less than a day and biggest impacts are over hours, not days .

You can see some of the maps on http://swearthnews.blogspot.com

other food for thought 

The thing thinking people need to recognise is that when we start losing our supposed influence , we risk becoming fanatical - pretending we do know things we don't - and that's a real turnoff ) This is what is happening to all trad media because the internet and our own connections grow the competence these mediums lack .

A crisis tends to show up the agencies weakness of judgment but noone else gets to employ so many adults who have never grown up and got some experience let alone confess to cutting people off . Jon Feine and Tony Jones are examples of the immature… 

No one else in our society gets to gaslight people so easily .

 He's the hypocrisy about church time in ABC church. A subtle form of gaslighting 
 Like all churches ABC church has ways of excommunicating attempted communicants . 
The priest presenting says to  the  person on line........ and in the frame ? 
Are you angry? 
" You, the bad listener  are angry ( therefore are sinning according to that church ) SO , we will switch you off . we will do it nicely of course. we are very nice here at the ABC .Gaslighting incorporated 

 ABC  runs like a church even though it would fight to the death  to say its not religious . Its largely trying to bring in the kingdom of the secular determinist which like all good priests do,it  preaches this  simple doctrine .
 God is dead and therefore you are your own judge , Don't worry what others think . Do what you feel like and get what you feel like and because you have all these drivers to survive , push to get what nature deserves you to have , More food sex, travel and guess what - you don't have to go to church every week  , let alone confess anything  . What is there to confess??? 
( only those we target from monday to friday have to confess anything - polys and big business etc )